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Medical service Pre-approval

Helps making routing tasks fast, formalized and economically efficient

Daily medical experts of insurance companies are facing tons of requests from clinics or insureds for medical service approval.

We understand that different training levels of specialists, as well as non-standardized data, provoke errors and low efficiency.

Thus, we have a solution which helps Insurers to reduce errors and time for request processing.



Resource intensive process
Large proportion of unnecessary approvals
Non-transparent / unsynchronized decision making
AI-SOFTWARE FOR medical service approval

Featuring effects

time reduction
• Reducing the time for working out 1 call
• Possible reduction of requirements for the employees of the Coordination Line
errors reduction
• Faster bringing new employees to efficiency
• Harmonization of standards for approvals
• Elimination of erroneous approvals
• Acceleration of approval process
• Identical and transparent solutions

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Romania Business case
We’ve been given a dataset for 2 months period of medical services reimbursed by one of the big Health Insurers.

Case study

Health. Advanced Health Analytics
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